Boa Python Api

A python api that will let users write queries using boa

Link to project

Available Methods

Installing Package

# In Terminal >>> pip install boa-api


Description: log into the boa framework using the remote api Parameters: username (`str): username for boa account password (`str): password for boa account Returns:


Description: Retrieves datasetsets currently provided by boa Parameters: Returns: (`list): a list of boa datasets


Description: Log out of the boa framework using the remote api Parameters: Returns:


Description Retrieves a list of names of all datasets provided by boa Parameters: Returns: (`list): the names of available datasets


Description: Retrieves a dataset given a name. Parameters: name (`str): The name of the input dataset to return. Returns: (`dict): a dictionary with the keys id and name


Description: Retrieves the most recently submitted job Parameters: Returns: (`job_handle): the last submitted job


Description: Retrieves the number of jobs submitted by a user Parameters: pub_only (`bool, optional): if true, return only public jobs otherwise return all jobs Returns: (`int) the number of jobs submitted by a user


Description: Submits a new query to Boa to query the specified and returns a handle to the new job. Parameters: query (str): a boa query represented as a string. dataset (str, optional): the name of the input dataset. Returns: (`job_handle): the job with the generated from the given query


Description: Retrieves a job given an id. Parameters: id (int): the id of the job you want to retrieve Returns: (`job_handle): the desired job.


Description Parameters pub_only (`bool, optional): if true, only return public jobs otherwise return all jobs offset (`int, optional): the starting offset length (`int, optional): the number of jobs (at most) to return Returns: list: a list of jobs


Description Stops the execution of a job Parameters: (`job_handle): the job whose execution you want to stop


Description Resubmits a job to the framework Parameters: job (`job_handle)


Description Deletes this job from the framework. Parameters: job (`job_handle) Returns:


Description Modifies the public/private status of this job. Parameters: is_public (bool): 'True' to make it public, False to make it private job (`job_handle) Returns:


Description Return the jobs public/private status. Parameters: job (`job_handle) Returns:


Description Retrieves the jobs URL. Parameters: job (`job_handle) Returns:


Description Get the jobs public page URL. Parameters: job (`job_handle) Returns:


Description Return the output for this job, if it finished successfully and has an output. Parameters: job (`job_handle) Returns:


Description Return the source query for this job. Parameters: job (`job_handle) Returns:


Description Return the output for this job, if it finished successfully and has an output. Parameters: job (`job_handle) Returns: